Florida Fountain Pen News & Stuff — penshow

Triangle was fun! Getting caught up with orders and etc

Posted by Joseph Cortner on

Triangle was fun! Getting caught up with orders and etc

We had a great time at the Triangle Pen Show. I arrived home to a ton of things to catch up on. Orders first, we shipped all orders out today. We got two new items in, the Rickshaw Bagworks Florida Fountain Pen Sinclair and single sleeve pen holders. They look great! I am thrilled with them. The Sinclair is on our website now. I will try to get the single pen sleeves on by end of day. Also arriving was the Visconti Homo Sapiens Iris Garden, WOW! that pen is stunning!  We didn't get home until 2 am Monday morning...

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Lots of exciting new stuff and Next week Triangle Pen Show

Posted by Joseph Cortner on

Lots of exciting new stuff and Next week Triangle Pen Show
Lots of new products and exciting things, Next week we will be selling in person in Raleigh..click pic for more

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Our next Pen Show

Posted by Joseph Cortner on

Our next Pen Show
We travel to several pen shows in the U.S. selling our products as a vendor. Our next show...click pic to read all about it.

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